After Fame!!!

So guys Fame! our first I.A.C.T project is over, and what an amazing project it was!

On behalf of the entire Fame! Production team I'd just like to say our soul aim throughout the production was to ensure the company learnt new skills, made new friends and most importantly, enjoyed themselves. 

Every individual should be extremely proud of what they have achieved: they have worked so hard despite being in exam periods, juggling part time jobs and travelling from far and wide.

This project had been a pleasure to be involved with and I have been completely blown away by the talent that the young people have.

A massive thankyou must be said to the entire team involved, you were all essential to making the show come together. I am now extremely proud to call you all my ‘Fame! Family!’

The Sandpit Theatre is now booked for next year's I.A.C.T production in the first week of July and auditions will be held in January with rehearsals starting in March.

Watch this space for news of which production we will be doing and specific dates of the auditions; we expect to see you there!