Ok THESE are the full and final details

So, I lied in the last post.  This time I'm telling the truth...THESE ARE THE FINAL AUDITION DETAILS! PLEASE READ!!!

AUDITIONEES!!! there has been a slight change of plan to the auditions next week, due to funding issues. They will be held on the same day at the same time but will now take a different format. We will now be meeting at the KING WILLIAM Pub on Sandridge Road, Marshalswick, NOT the Sandpit Theatre Instead of seeing each individual person "perform" for us, at this stage, we will simply be discussing what Rose and I wa
nt to do with the company, and basically assessing how people work together on discussing ideas, and seeing who is on the same sort of wave length. As the nature of Insomnia is to be quite experimental, and approaching things in a very devising heavy way, we want to make sure everyone is happy working like this, before we start exploring people's personal skills and talents. Please pass this information on to anyone you know who showed an interest in coming, and we'll see you at 5pm at the King Will on Tuesday 4th :D xx


Hi guys.  So this is (hopefully) the last update on Insomnia company auditions

Auditions are being held at the Sandpit Theatre, The Ridgeway, Marshalswick, St Albans, on Tuesday the 4th September.  Two lots of auditions will be held, one at 5pm, one at 7pm.  You only need to come to ONE of these sessions.  1 hour of each session will include group workshops, the 2nd hour being dedicated to individual auditions or interviews.  These auditions are currently ONLY open to people aged 18+  Bring whatever artistic skill you have to our table.

We hope to see loads of people there, so keep spreading the word.
Cheers :)

Jess and Rose xxxx

Just to make things clearer

OK! So, some people have been a bit confused about how the auditions are running.  This is what's happening.  We're doing two sets of auditions.  You can come to either one (times will be announced soooon!) They will last two hours.  The first hour will be a group workshop style session, seeing how people work together as a team, and seeing everyone's personalities together.  The second hour will be individual auditions/interviews.  This is your chance to show us what you can do.  If you're an actor, do a monologue, if you're a writer, let us read something you've written, artist, show us some of your work, singer, sing us a song etc.  If your talent lies in directing chat to us about some projects you've worked on, ideas you'd like to try, show us video clips of productions you done (if you have clips) if you're a lighting designer, talk to us about work you've done etc.  If you're not really sure what you want to do, or where your talent lies, will just chat to you about why you're passionate about art and what you want to get out of it.  It's going to be fun and informal.  This is a big, scary, new thing for us lot too, and we want everyone to start off feeling happy and comfortable.  Just showcase your talent in the best way you know how :)

I hope this makes it clearer for you, and we look forward to seeing loads of people on the 4th. Keep your eyes here and on twitter (@insomnia_arts) and on facebook (www.facebook.com/pages/insomnia-arts)

Laters potaters!



Hi guys.  So, Rose is still away in Edinburgh, but slowly and surely we're managing to organise auditions!  We're looking at the 4th or 5th of September, so not long at all to advertise it! SCARY!  Tell your friends about them.  We want to see loads of people there.  This is such a passion project for us, and it would such a shame for it to fall at the first hurdle.  However many people we get there, as long as we can put together an amazing first show with them, and then hopefully people will watch it and be inspired to join.  More info will come as we finalise things

Keep your eyes here!!


Just to make it clear. These auditions are our initial company building auditions.  We're not casting any shows yet.  People who pass the auditions next month are then members of the company and will take part in our future projects! :D

Hello again

Sorry it's been a long time guys.  But stuff is starting to happen now!  Auditions are being planned for our first show, and posters are being designed.  Rose is currently at the Edinburgh Fringe fest, hobnobbing and teching, as is Jade.  Whilst Jess is stuck at home doing all the hard slog ;)


Also, this is a video what we made to help people kinda get what we're about...watch it YEAH!

Information will be up here and on our Twitter and Facebook when auditions have been arranged.  Keep your eyes peeled.  Tis all everso exciting!


After Fame!!!

So guys Fame! our first I.A.C.T project is over, and what an amazing project it was!

On behalf of the entire Fame! Production team I'd just like to say our soul aim throughout the production was to ensure the company learnt new skills, made new friends and most importantly, enjoyed themselves. 

Every individual should be extremely proud of what they have achieved: they have worked so hard despite being in exam periods, juggling part time jobs and travelling from far and wide.

This project had been a pleasure to be involved with and I have been completely blown away by the talent that the young people have.

A massive thankyou must be said to the entire team involved, you were all essential to making the show come together. I am now extremely proud to call you all my ‘Fame! Family!’

The Sandpit Theatre is now booked for next year's I.A.C.T production in the first week of July and auditions will be held in January with rehearsals starting in March.

Watch this space for news of which production we will be doing and specific dates of the auditions; we expect to see you there!

Good Evening!

So this is our first post... Fame! The Musical, our first community project, is in production next week so we are a little busy but you must you must come and support us!

Here is the link for tickets:


Lots of Loves
Esor, Ssej and Edaj*

*Our names backwards (I'm not sure why)